Monday, July 27, 2015

Something Positive

Part of the LDS faith is sharing the Gospel with others. My husband and I met with missionaries in our ward and they handed us a Family Mission Plan. We filled it out and are striving to uphold the promises we made. One of the things on the Family Mission Plan is sharing the Gospel with others. Now days, there is no better way to reach a lot of people than through social media and online. We decided to start  blog where we share blessings we receive through the Gospel and will share them with you every Monday night as part of our Family Home Evening. This is not only a great way for us to share the wonders of our religion with the world, but also makes it easier for us to realize the blessings we are receiving every week.

This week has been a stressful one for us. We recently found out that the owners of the house we are renting will not let us extend until December. We could extend until October or February, but that did not help us in getting into the apartment we had lined up for December. So, two weeks before our lease is up we have been looking for another place to live. We found a place with the same realty company we go through now and they were going to give it to us. Then that fell through as well. We looked at three different apartments and applied for the one we thought would be best for our growing family. We thought we would hear back today but because of the holiday last Friday they did not get our application sent in so we will be hearing back tomorrow. If we do get this apartment, we will be out before the end of the week. If we don't, we will be staying where we are until October. This has been the hardest time to stay positive and trust in our Heavenly Father. There have been many times where I have just wanted to look up and shout "Why?" But, I know that our Heavenly Father has something planned for us. My husband's sister recently gave her farewell talk as she prepares to leave for her mission. Her talk was about how the Lord answers our prayers in his own timing. Believe me it was exactly what my husband and I needed to hear. We wish we could know what was going to happen, but we also trust that our Father in Heaven will help us and lead us to where we need to be.

While I was on facebook the other day I came across this picture and it was so perfect for what I have been thinking about lately in regards to what I would write on this blog that I had to share it with you.

We all have days where we struggle. Or even weeks or months. But in every day there is something we can be thankful for. That is one of the most important things I have learned being a member of the LDS church. My faith and the Gospel have saved me so many times I can't even count. If you ever have any doubts that the Lord will provide a way for you, I ask you to pray, be patient, and wait for an answer from him. He may not always answer in the way that you think, or give you the answer that you want. But I do know that he does answer.